Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Happens During A Concussion What Happens If You Go To Sleep During A Concussion?

What happens if you go to sleep during a concussion? - what happens during a concussion

It depends on how strongly passed a concussion and how long since he received the blow. If the shock is very low (as if) only in black for a few seconds, then you should wait 1-2 hours before going to bed. If the shock is severe (unconsciousness longer than thirty seconds, or vomiting), then you should see a doctor immediately. Then likely to stay awake 12 hours or longer if necessary. The reason why they want you is to stay awake, so after a concussion, it is possible that you may lose consciousness, but it can occur hours after receiving the blow. If someone with a concussion, he goes to bed, then it is difficult to tell the difference between someone who is asleep and someone who know the unconscious. I hope that answers your question!


ohh_doh_... said...

there is a danger that may fall into a coma.

jt067024 said...

They will be brought to the Prophet Zarquon.

PeNgUiN lOvEr Oh YeAh!!!!! said...

You might never wake up

cmm said...

I think u can in a state of coma

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